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  • G. Prilleau

    Librería: Eclectibles, ABAA, Tolland, CT, Estados Unidos de America

    Miembro de asociación: ABAA ESA ILAB SNEAB

    Calificación del vendedor: 4 de 5 estrellas Valoración 4 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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    EUR 5,53 Gastos de envío

    A Estados Unidos de America

    Cantidad disponible: 1 disponibles

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    An 8 1/2" x 11" engraving illustrated by G. Prilleau depicting street scenes and the store front with a gentleman entering Charles Bosse book shop. An active Parisian book seller at the turn of the 20th century. One of the founding members of Syndicat Français de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne (SLAM) in1920. Under the aegis of Ch. Bossc, E. Jorel, E. Nourry, J. Riviere and J. Schemit, the first number of the Bouquiniste Français appeared on 15 January 1920. At first twice- monthly, it became a weekly from No. 22, 1 December 1920. Its location was 31 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6 . In their first editorial, the founder-booksellers thus justified the publication's raison d'être: 'The French antiquarian book trade, the antiquarian booksellers of France, have as yet no professional organ while the well-known English weekly The Clique and the daily Munich publication achieve considerable circulations. From its first number the Bouquiniste Français carried listings of works for sale and wanted at fair prices, but also professional information with calendars of sales, announcements of the appearance of catalogues, changes of ownership, opening and closing hours, postal charges, details as to carriage and transport. Regularly it raised certain thorny problems: the law of 25 June 1920 and the taxes which burdened commerce and industry (No. 13): the regulations of 29 August 1920 as to the tax on turnover (Nos. 16 &. 17): the luxury tax (No. 19). But luckily all this was diversified with little articles on bibliographic curiosities - Johann Faust; Where do old bindings go; Charles Sorel, on the knowledge of good books; book thieves; diary of a quayside stallholder. There were often reports or minutes of committees and general meetings. In No. 28 we learn that Messrs. Gougy, Paul and Rapilly have been appointed experts with the Administration of Customs. The reintroduction of the 10% discount between member-booksellers, modification of the luxury tax, and an open letter to the Under-Secretary of State for Posts and Telegraphs from J. Lebouc, on the slow arrival of catalogues (already!) - fill up other numbers Bosse made his debut in 1883 as a bookstore clerk in Maloine (he was only 12 years old) In approximately 1913 he went purchaser of funds of the large library Durel, rue de l'Ancienne Comedie where for more than forty years, his business took a great extension with its varied knowledge and a number of staff, the main collaborators were the faithful Lebouc Jules and his nephew Lucien Marchand. thus he became so big buyer on the market for books, libraries and large batches in very different genres , which allowed him to publish not only numerous catalogs of used books, but also to prepare for many public sales; among the principal should be made of those Freund-Deschamps, Haviland, Paul Lacombe, Roederer, Lucien Gougy Ms. Belin (with Giraud-Badin), Jules Couët, etc. Finally, he made a number of important anonymous sellers often especially in the war years 1941 to early 1944 (see second volume of the Treasury Bibliophile, Chapter IX. Large sales and atmosphere) was also Bosse Books bibliophiles two companies, "bibliophiles doctors" and "bibliophiles of the Aero Clube", the limited edition works are mostly, and rightly wanted today. If its surprising activity was lower as a publisher (**), it must however mention excellent documentary publications (.) Bosse let the example of a successful career due to his intelligent will and hard work. "(pp. 77-78).