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  • Imagen del vendedor de Cleburne and His Command and Pat Cleburne: Stonewall Jackson of the West a la venta por Champlain Valley Books LLC

    Irving A. Buck. Edited by Thomas Robson Hay.

    Publicado por McCowat-Mercer Press, 1958

    Librería: Champlain Valley Books LLC, Addison, VT, Estados Unidos de America

    Calificación del vendedor: 2 de 5 estrellas Valoración 2 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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    A Estados Unidos de America

    Cantidad disponible: 1 disponibles

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    Hardcover. Condición: Fine. Estado de la sobrecubierta: Very Good. Complete collection of "Monographs, Sources, and Reprints in Southern History," issued by McCowat-Mercer Press of Jackson TN. Sixteen volumes. During 1952-1969, McCowat-Mercer reissued, in limited printings, a series of Confederate memoirs, published originally in late-19th or early-20th century, and at the time out of print. Memoirs selected represent the experiences of ordinary people of the South, e.g. common soldiers, subordinate officers, and civilians; they provide rich insight to daily life on the southern side, and share perspectives very different from those of the better known histories by the top-rank political and military leaders. These books represent a complete collection of all sixteen volumes issued in this series. Volumes are edited by historians and scholars, and are now rare and prized by Civil War specialists. In alphabetical order by author: #1] Buck, Irving A. "Cleburne and His Command and Pat Cleburne: Stonewall Jackson of the West" (1958). Edited by Thomas Robson Hay. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: very good. #2] Frantz, Mabel Goode. "Full Many a Name: The Story of Sam Davis, Scout and Spy, C.S.A." (1961). Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: near fine. #3] Heartsill, William W. "Fourteen Hundred and 91 Days in the Confederate Army" (1953). Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: very good. No dust jacket. #4] Henry, Robert Selph, ed. "As They Saw Forrest: Some Recollections and Comments of Contemporaries" (1956). Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: good+. #5] Henry, Robert Selph. "First with the Most: Forrest" (1969). Foreword by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: very good. #6] Malone, Bartlett Yancey. "Whipt 'em Everytime: The Diary of Bartlett Yancey Malone" (1960). Edited by William Whatley Pierson, Jr. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: very good. #7] Moore, Robert A. "A Life for the Confederacy: As Recorded in the Pocket Diaries of Pvt. Robert A. Moore" (1959). Edited by James W. Silver. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket: good. #8] Mosgrove, George Dallas. "Kentucky Cavaliers in Dixie: The Reminiscences of a Confederate Cavalryman" (1957). Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: nearly new. Dust jacket condition: fine. #9] Nisbet, James Cooper. "Four Years on the Firing Line" (1963). Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: fine. #10] Pember, Phoebe Yates. "A Southern Woman's Story: Life in Confederate Richmond" (1959). Reprint Broadfoot Publishing Co, 1991. Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: fine. #11] Poague, William T. "Gunner with Stonewall: Reminiscences of William Thomas Poague" (1957). Edited by Monroe F. Cockrell. Hardcover: Condition: very good+. Dust jacket condition: good. #12] Sorrel, G. Moxley. "Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer" (1958). Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: fine. #13] Unknown Author. "The Lost Account of the Battle of Corinth and the Court Martial of Gen. Van Dorn" (1955). Edited by Monroe F. Cockrell. Softcover. Condition: very good. #14] Watkins, Sam R. "Co. Aytch: Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment; or, A Side Show of the Big Show" (1952). Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: very good. #15] Wood, William Nathaniel. "Reminiscences of Big I" (1956). Edited by Bell Irvin Wiley. Hardcover. Condition: fine. Dust jacket condition: very good. #16] Worsham, John H. "One of Jackson's Foot Cavalry" (1964). Edited by James I. Robertson, Jr. Hardcover. Condition: Fine. Dust jacket condition: fine. Full description of each individual volume and additional photographs available on request. Oversize. Price includes media rate shipping in the continental 48 of USA. [Also search under "Monographs, Sources, and Reprints in Southern History"].