Walking to Santiago: A How-to Guide for the Novice Camino de Santiago Pilgrim [Idioma Inglés] - Tapa blanda

9781515240563: Walking to Santiago: A How-to Guide for the Novice Camino de Santiago Pilgrim [Idioma Inglés]

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Reseña del editor

Considering walking the Camino de Santiago? For a thousand years, pilgrims have made this journey across the north of Spain to the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, where the bones of Saint James the Greater rest. Some go for the adventure; some go for spiritual or religious reasons; all are changed by the experience. This books covers everything you need to know to make informed decisions about your Camino journey, from when to go to how to get to there to what you'll need to pack. The focus here is on detailed advice learned from on-the-trail experience, things like different sock methods for avoiding blisters, how to pick out good hiking boots, and the myriad choices you’ll have when buying a backpack. The Camino is a powerful and enriching experience. This book gives you all the information you need to get out on the trail.

"Sobre este título" puede pertenecer a otra edición de este libro.

  • EditorialCreatespace Independent Pub
  • Año de publicación2016
  • ISBN 10 1515240568
  • ISBN 13 9781515240563
  • EncuadernaciónTapa blanda
  • IdiomaInglés
  • Número de edición1
  • Número de páginas126
  • EditorTandler Danielle

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