The George Benson Collection (Transcribed Scores) - Tapa blanda

9780634011306: The George Benson Collection (Transcribed Scores)

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Reseña del editor

One of the greatest jazz guitarists of all time, George Benson has developed a unique style that's all his own. This collection assembles 11 of his finest songs, transcribed instrument-by-instrument, and note-for-note! Includes: Affirmation * Body Talk * Breezin' * C-Smooth * Give Me the Night * The Theme from Good King Bad * Love Ballad * On Broadway * This Masquerade * Turn Your Love Around * White Rabbit. Also includes a notation legend.

"Sobre este título" puede pertenecer a otra edición de este libro.

  • EditorialHal Leonard Corp
  • Año de publicación2001
  • ISBN 10 0634011308
  • ISBN 13 9780634011306
  • EncuadernaciónTapa blanda
  • IdiomaInglés
  • Número de páginas232

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